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Upcoming: World Senior Citizen's Day!


Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well :) I wanted to let you know that this Friday, August 21, will be WORLD SENIOR CITIZEN'S DAY! This is really exciting, and it is so important that a holiday like this exists. It is crucial that we all take the time to reflect on and express our gratitude for the elders who have influenced our lives and have experienced so much. As you can tell from the work of our nonprofit organization, we love serving our elderly, and we are really excited to celebrate this significant holiday. Please take this day to thank the elders in your life, and if you are an elder yourself- happy World Senior Citizen's Day to YOU!


World Senior Citizen's Day was put into action by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 through Proclamation 5847. He stated regarding the elderly, "Wherever the need exists, older people are making their presence felt—for their own good and that of others". Ronald Reagan was one of the oldest elected presidents, and he was an elder himself when he put World Senior Citizen's Day into action. World Senior Citizen's Day is not a federal, public holiday, but it is still so important and should not be missed.


Elderly Embrace Care Network will definitely post reminders across our social media platform on Friday- the big day- so people around the world, especially youth, will take time to think about and thank the elders in our lives. In particular, we are launching a Celebratory Challenge! We have created a template for Instagram stories so that people worldwide can share on this social media platform their reflection for World Senior Citizen's Day.


To participate, check out the template we will be posting on our Instagram @elderlyembracecn on Thursday, the day before the challenge launches. As you share the post on your story, please tag our account in the small rectangle at the top so we can see your awesome story and other people on Instagram can be directed to us with questions they have regarding the challenge. The most important part of the challenge is to fill out the blue boxes with your answers to the questions. Lastly, in the bottom of your story, tag your friends so they also reflect on elders who are so important to them.


Our questions are: "Who is an elder who has influenced your life?" and "What is a trait you admire about them?". We hope that through filling out the story template, you will be encouraged to thank the wonderful seniors who influence your life. Remember to tag some friends to spread the love. Also, celebrating World Citizens' Day definitely does not end with just posting on your story or doing some quiet reflection. Don't forget to check in with the elders in your life- a kind message, phone call, or hug are so much more meaningful than you can imagine!


We hope you will participate in our challenge, and if not, please still celebrate the wonderful holiday coming up this Friday. World Senior Citizen's Day is such an important celebration of seniors around the globe, and we hope that this day will help you to better respect and connect with elderly.


I hope you enjoyed reading this article, learning about World Senior Citizen's Day, the history behind it, and what we are doing at Elderly Embrace Care Network to celebrate this joyous day. As always, if you have any questions or comments, please contact us at, and we will surely get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your continued support in our blog!

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