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Traditional Tips: Cultural Guardians


As part of our Traditional Tips segment, today's article will focus on the Covid-19 response of indigenous groups across Latin America, focusing on treatment of the elderly. As always, of course, feel free to reach out to us at if you would like to have a conversation with us about this. We would love to hear your thoughts on this topic, and we will surely get back to you as soon as we can.


According to an article by Garrison, Lammertyn, and Boadle published across different news platforms, "From the rocky Patagonian regions of Argentina to the lush Brazilian Amazon and the Andean villages of Colombia, indigenous groups are barricading villages against outsiders". This is in reference to the hectic state of the ever so prevalent Covid-19. Admist the severe threat of the global pandemic, indigenous groups across Latin America took action to protect their seniors from the devastating virus that is especially cruel to the aging population. They view their seniors, tribal elders, as 'cultural guardians' who protect their extremely valuable heritage.


Garrison, Lammertyn, and Boadle also quoted Eduardo Nieva of the Amiacha de Valle in Argentina. He made a profound statement, "They hold the collective memory, particularly regarding our identity". This is especially true to indigenous tribes, as the elderly play an essential role in preparation for the Kuarup dance ritual of the Xingu people in the Amazon. While the eminence of seniors' presence as holding "the collective memory" is most relevant to indigenous people, seniors around the globe- radiating Western culture, practicing Oriental traditions, and residing everywhere else too- have so much wisdom and hold many valuable experiences, some of which are unimaginable.


I would like to take some time to acknowledge the significance of the phrase 'cultural guardians'. This perspective on our aging population can be extended across geographic barriers and permeate itself into a crucial way of thinking about the elderly. Our seniors are so, so important, and by recognizing the huge role they play as (but certainly not limited to) 'cultural guardians', we can take necessary steps towards better protecting them. As indigenous groups across Latin America so highly value their tribal elders, they geared strict quarantine policies towards protecting them against the ominous threat of Covid-19.


Our Traditional Tips segment hopes to highlight and share specific aspects- traditions and tips, as the segment name suggests- of cultures around the world, focusing on how the elderly are treated and/or viewed. We hope that through the Traditional Tips segment, we will promote more global understanding and uncover ways of life that are particularly pleasant and positive for our elderly. Stay tuned for more articles to come in this segment!


I really wanted to emphasize just how much the rest of the world can learn from this beautiful viewpoint of Latin American indigenous groups, and I hope you also found this interesting. By recognizing our aging population as 'cultural guardians', we can better care for them and help improve the quality of their lives, one step at a time. Thank you for reading, and we welcome you to continue to check out our blog's content. Again, our email is feel free to contact us with any questions and/or comments.


Sources I referenced for this article:

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