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  • Writer's pictureEECN Team, With Love

Announcing: Understanding Generation Z

Like most teenagers, I tend to have differences in opinion with my parents (and grandparents!). Of course, I love them dearly, but that doesn't change the fact that we tend to butt heads on particular issues. We are members of separate generations. So, we often disagree because of the way we grew up. Baby Boomers, raised in the aftermath of WWII, are going to think differently than Millennials, who grew up as the internet blossomed into the force we know it as today. We appreciate different values and virtues and are more equipped to use distinct skills in our schooling, work, and day-to-day life.

The problem was, however, I never explained to my parents and grandparents why I thought a certain way. This alienated them, and we still struggled to understand each other. Looking back on a few of our discussions, I think we could've reached an agreement if I had simply explained my reasoning, instead of stubbornly insisting I was right. So, I am thrilled to announce a new segment titled: Understanding Generation Z.

Each week, there will be a different question; a question older generations typically have for younger generations. We will provide an in-depth answer to this question as a way to provide a greater understanding of Generation Z for older generations. Hopefully, these articles will lead to two-sided discussions, as older generations give their input as well. Our goal is to facilitate the bridging of the generational gaps that exist in our society today. I really hope you will enjoy reading these articles in the next coming weeks!

If you have any questions you would like to see explored in the future, feel free to reach out! Also, if you have any comments or concerns, feel free to voice them! Thank you so much for reading.

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